Saturday, September 19, 2009

One last Reunion Note . . .

I must conclude by saying how grateful I am to Heavenly Father for watching over our family during our reunion time. I had made our safety a matter of prayer for weeks prior to our gathering. There were thousands of miles traveled with no incident. We found Isaac safe and sound. The fact that Claigh happened by the slide stairs at the swimming pool just at the right moment to catch Elijah was a true miracle. This could have been a serious accident but ended up being a matter of a few scrapes and bruises. I am deeply grateful for a merciful Father in Heaven who answered my prayers in such a wonderful way. Our family is our greatest treasure. Not always do we escape the struggles and trials of life but at times there are these miracles that in our heart of hearts we know are blessings from a loving God. Thank-you Father in Heaven!

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