Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Sara

Today marks another milestone in the Jensen Family as we celebrate Sara's 31st birthday. Born September 18th, 1977 Sara took no time establishing her self as the family princess. Older sisters Cameron and Carey (six and four years old at the time)were quick to determine this baby to be the best baby ever. They truly doted on her.

When Sara was fourteen months old I was wondering if she would ever walk? One day Carey called me into the hallway and said, "Look mom." She laid a skipping rope lengthwise in the hall way, stood at one end with Sara sitting cute as ever at the opposite end. Sara crawled over to the skipping rope, took the handle in her hand and stood up without anything to pull her self up on. Carey began to walk backwards and Sara, holding onto the other end of the rope walked forward behind her. UNREAL! The child could walk!! Who knew!!! A family council was called and big sisters were forbidden to carry little sister or get things for her or do anything she could do for herself. They were sure this was absolutely unreasonable. But mom prevailed and Sara became the family "instant" walker/runner. There were no toddling steps for this one.

Sara has a natural wit that truly entertains. She has the ability to see the humor in day to day life and expresses it cleverly without hurting or poking fun at others. I love it! A highlight of our week is to read from her blog and not only get a sense of what is happening at the Anderson household, but have some comic relief. Claigh and I have gone the range from gentle chuckles to uproarious laughter.

As a toddler, Sara loved her bottle. We had a pretty good supply of bottles but they began vanishing. In 2008 Sara Jensen baby bottles would have made the endangered species list. One night as things were winding down and Sara was ready for her "before bed milk" we found the bottle situation had moved from endangered to extinct. After scouring the cupboards and puzzling over the lack of bottles, I explained to this ready for bed too cute little miss that I just couldn't find a bottle for her. She beamed her adorable smile and took my hand and walked me into the living room. She walked over to the drapes and gently pulled one to the side to reveal a partially filled bottle with curdled milk. With that she gave a little laugh. We "found" a few of the MIA's that night.

Not only has Sara a good eye for the humorous, she as the gift of a profound understanding of spiritual truths. As her mother I have marveled at her ability to express the heart of gospel principles. This heart is not only revealed when she is asked to speak but it is seen in her deep sense of goodness towards others. It is rare to hear her speak unkindly of anyone. This is not to say that she does not note something that isn't right or express disappointment when hurt. She is just not "blustery" or "vicious" in any degree. She is a tender soul and tends to pull back until she can get things into better perspective rather than "duke it out." Most of what Sara has to say is meant to encourage or build in genuine ways. Flattery is not her thing. Remarkable.

Ever ready to be helpful, Sara has the ability to sift through reams of information to assess a variety of angles on an issue and give some solid recommendations on all sorts of matters ranging from buying a new bed to delving into a medical issue to bowling on Wii. If Sara puts her mind and heart to something, she achieves. She has what I admiringly call "stick-to-it-ness."

Sara and Jared are devoted parents to three fortunate boys. They insist on considerate and respectful behavior. These children are loved and secure. As one who didn't enjoy security as a child, I can't begin to say how deeply I appreciate this blessing for my grandchildren. Many children today ache for a mom and a dad who work together to build a loving home. Sara teaches with clarity as she sets boundaries.

Now that our daughters have established their own homes, we will not have a two cake week in Idaho. However, as I eat my flax seed and yogurt today I count another of my best blessings. I love my Sara! Thank-you Heavenly Father for beautiful daughters.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun Times for the Weekend

Fun and Friends - What a way to go! We ended our very warm Saturday with an evening Dutch Oven cook-out gathering with church friends. Yum! The corn on the cob was especially good. We enjoyed the fresh air and good conversation. I must adjust my thinking however. Regardless of how hot the afternoon is, the temperature takes a quick downturn as soon as the sun begins to sink. New Jensen Family rule: Never leave home without a jacket and some blankets in the car. If you do, you will freeeeez! Thankfully, the family whose yard we were gathered in had a nice fire pit. You can guess where I spent my time!

Sunday was another day for friends and conversation. Following church we served five guests dinner to break in our new dining table. Prish Mordan just moved here from Virginia. Her husband is a contract worker for the government in Saudi Arabia. She is overseeing the completion of their home preparing for their retirement here. John Smith moved to Idaho Falls from Connecticut a few years ago. He is retired from teaching Spanish and working with Special Ed kids. Wendall Bunnell recently lost his wife to a long fight with cancer. And Jean and Gary Meikle, neighbors who were first to greet us when we moved here last May rounded out our little gathering. Gary is an attorney. What a joy to get to know everyone more personally. I love to hear other people's experiences in life. It just doesn't get any better.

Early this morning when I met my walking buddies and noted the jacket Marilyn was wearing I knew I was in trouble. I have worn a jacket every morning but this was the first time Marilyn has had one. It was quickly apparent that I need to step up the layers soon. Brrrr! Thank-goodness for the generally sunny days.

Tonight we are off to Pocatello for a gathering of LDS Family Service employees from that office. I look forward to getting to know them better. Claigh has often expressed how fortunate he is to work with such great people. Life is good.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Old enough to have a daughter that is 37?

Yup - That would be Claigh Hugh Scherer Jensen and Wendy Lorraine! September 14, 1971 changed our lives forever and for the good. How blessed we are to have Cameron Leigh Jensen Stewart such a wonderful part of our lives. I have always maintained that 1st children earn special points for breaking in novice parents. Cameron is a joy and she did and does her 1st child responsibilities very well.
I am grateful for Cameron's sense of fun and her willingness to go the extra mile to enjoy life. Thanks to her, Claigh had a 56th birthday celebration. This could have gone by the way with Robert's death and our need to cut short Cameron's vacation to Idaho and head to California. However, Cameron makes things happen. This act of nurturing lightened a burden and put in place a wonderful memory for birthdays to come.

Cameron's willingness to be inconvenienced for the blessing of others is remarkable. When Grandma Jensen was in a very desperate situation Cameron and Collins opened their home and hearts to her. This was no small undertaking. Not only is Cameron a blessing to her family, her heart has been open to many others who have crossed her path. She take notice and she does something! She genuinely loves and gives care to those some might pass by.

I love when Cameron comes home and has time to sit at the piano and play the beautiful hymns. Her clear sweet soprano soothes the soul. One of my favorites to hear is "Come Thou Fount." The Stewart babes are fortunate to have music fill their home.

Cameron has a strong moral compass and passion for living the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a blessing for us as parents as we desire happiness for our children. And it is a tremendous blessing for her children as she and Collins gather them to read from the scriptures and pray each day. As she corrects she encourages them to be aware of their impact on others.

I enjoy Camie's keen intellect and love of learning that is only eclipsed by her love of helping others learn. As a teacher she infuses her enthusiasm into what ever she is teaching. Just the right spark of humor brings needed perspective.

From her youngest years, Cameron has enjoyed cooking and creating wonderful meals and treats for others to enjoy. As a matter of fact, she ran through her whole semester food budget by October that first year in college. Many fellow students ate well those two months and Cameron survived on Ramen Noodles the last couple of months. Perhaps the tasty repasts she served up to others had something to do with her being named "Sweetheart" for a fraternity on campus :O)

It is a delight to see Cameron as a mom. Again I admire her sense of fun. She knows to put other things aside when needed and join in with the family for fun. She puts extra touches into any family celebration that delight. She is our Pizazz! When I count blessings Cameron is right up there with my bestest!

Happy Happy Birthday Dear Cameron!!