While very disappointed in the vote for Obama/Biden, I am nonetheless ready to sustain our new president and am committed to do all I can to continue to work for freedom's cause. I pray for President Elect Obama's wisdom in choosing his cabinet and the sharpening of his vision as he faces the great challenges of our times. I am saddened and disgusted at the hateful treatment of President Bush these past eight years and want no part in such a shameful demeanor towards our new President to be.
President Bush has given much to this country. He saw us through devastating times and in spite of the tremendous financial hits of 9-11 and Katrina, he and his cabinet have somehow managed to keep us a float. I find that remarkable. I wish Congress would have responded favorably to him five years ago when he urged them to intervene in the looming Fannie Mae/Freddi Mac catastrophe. The arrogant lack of response I lay directly at the feet of Congress.
I am most profoundly grateful that President Bush has led the defense of this country in such a way as to keep us free of further terrorist attacks. Looking at history preceding his presidency, this too is remarkable. In prior years we endured one terrorist attack after another. President Bush also led the cause of freedom for the Iraqi people. I pray they will continue to grow in the light of this freedom. It is good to have the possibility of an true ally in the Middle East. Thank-you President Bush and Laura for your noble leadership. Thank-you for your faithfulness to the God of this free land. It was not about what would make you "popular." It was about what was right.
How grateful I am for the success of Propositions 8 in California and 102 in Arizona protecting marriage. For me this is not about wanting to prevent the freedom of others to live as they choose. It has nothing to do with hate. It is about my deepest held convictions and my freedom of religion. I would be first in line to defend gay couples' civil rights, however marriage is a religious institution and the family the very pillar of our society. The need for this protection of marriage was for me the greater issue in this campaign cycle. Children are entitled to having a father and a mother. That is how a child is created and the protection of the natural family is critical to the strength of a society. Parents must be free to teach children according to the values of their faith. Again this is not a hateful belief. Things are not always perfect in this world but still we bear responsibility to do all we can to promote the welfare of children. I only pray that with the changes to the Supreme Court that are sure to come, the voice of the people will not be overthrown.
God bless America. God bless our fellow citizens and God bless President Elect Obama and all those elected and appointed to serve.