Sunday, December 19, 2010

THE Wedding!

It took us six years from Ashlee's birth to get Alyssa AND it was well worth the wait! How we love this beautiful faithful daughter. Alyssa has had quite the adventurous life with her junior high school year spent as a Congress Buntenstag student in Germany, a leadership scholarship to CNU following High School, an 18 month mission to Portugal for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a return to Christopher Newport News University in Virginia to finish her Bachelor's Degree Studies this past year and a half. Now the best of adventures begins as she was married to Steven Sevy, December 15th, 2010 in the Draper Utah Temple!

Steven is a true answer to this mother's prayers. You may have heard me say on more than one occasion, I love love! Our world is all mixed up right now on matters of love and marriage and family. I prayed that a young man as faithful as Alyssa would find her and that together they could build a future basking in the light of the love of the Savior. Heavenly Father has blessed both Steven and Alyssa with a perfect match. I am deeply grateful.

On December 9th, Alyssa completed her final finals and she did very well I might add. That same day, Claigh flew to Virginia for the "Preception" in Poquoson the following evening. Due to my health challenges I was not able to make the trip. The Sevy family is wonderful and with their help, her sorority sister SaraLynn and her mother, and many other dear souls, a wonderful time was had by all. SaraLynn's dear husband Daniel brought his camera and got some pictures.

After pulling an all night packing session, Aly and Claigh boarded the plane to fly home. They arrived just in time for Alyssa to make it a few minutes late to a bridal shower put on by her dear friend Deatra.

Sunday was filled with church and friends. Monday she was off to the dentist and then we headed for Salt Lake City. (Actually we hit snag #1 when Alyssa couldn't find her drivers license and debit card. We finally had to leave without them. The girl had had so little rest the following week I thought it was incredible she was standing!)

Tuesday was get our bearings day and a photo shoot in extreme wind at the temple. I loved watching this very "in love" young couple. They really know how to have fun together. What a joy.

We ended the evening with dinner and the diving show at The Mayan Adventure Restaurant with the Stalcup family and Cam and Collins, which was followed by some last minute shopping.

Wednesday morning dawned bright and early with one last minute crisis. The girl scheduled to do her hair and makeup never showed. Thank-goodness for sisters! We made it to the temple only 15 minutes later than scheduled and Alyssa was at her most beautiful ever. Did I mention that I love this girl!

There was newly fallen snow and lots of closest family and friends to greet the newly wed couple. All of our son-in-laws and daughters as well as 15 of our 20 grandchildren were there. Chris and Erin made the extra effort to come up from California. After more pictures we were off to the Magnolia Grove for a luncheon with about 80 guests. Thankfully Cameron and Collins took a few candid shots. We had a wonderful photographer, Ashley Mackay and didn't take any pictures ourselves.

Alyssa and Steven left the next day for Florida, a Bahamas Cruise and a flight for Virginia for a Sevy Christmas. They will pick up her car and things and head out on the road for Idaho. PRAYERS PLEASE! Steven begins his last seven months at BYUI. We are excited to have them close for a few months but then they are off to parts unknown. Steven hopes to have a commission in the USAF.

We feel very blessed!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wedding Pictures

December 15th - Greeting the Newly Weds as they leave the warm temple and walk into the brisk winter air
Spencer and Xander
Aly and Nieces
Ashlee and Will

Nephews getting ready for pictures - Jacob, Max, Noah, Xander, Seth, Alyssa, Will, Greg, Elijah, Spencer (hidden), Brig
As mentioned, the candid shots were taken by Cameron and Collins.
December 14th Dinner at The Mayan with Stalcups and Stewarts
Ashlee, Sara, Erin, Alyssa, Carey, Cameron

Alyssa and Cameron

Jensen, Bryn, Steven, Lucy, Kes

Bailey Family

Spencer, Will, Bryn, Steven, Alyssa, Greg, Kes
Bryn's favorite part of the luncheon (We don't have a picture of Spencer's favorite part - the cheesecake!)
Uncle Dennis plays "Somewhere My Love" for Aly
Jensen and Bryn take a peek to watch the photo shoot.
This is what they saw.
Getting married on top of a mountain in December tends to chilly weather. After looking at chintzy capes in bridal shops that just didn't match up to her dream, Alyssa found the design and the perfect fabric for her wrap. Her wonderful mother-in-law helped make it a reality.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Preception Pictures

Doctor Who?


With Ashley and Kelsy

Sorority Sisters

What would wedding time be without a crisis - The cake decorator canceled the week of the preception. Not good when you are in the middle of final exams. A friend of a friend stepped in! I have been told the red velvet cake was delicious. Alyssa's colors were royal purple and Shasta Daisy red.) The bride and groom carving was done by Alyssa's father-in-law.

Dancin' Shoes

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Struggle Ahead . . . Catch up July 16 - October 18, 2011

These past three months have been tough to say the least! I am not Okay but trust I am in God's hands and I guess that is better than Okay isn't it?

Aunt Norma Stanford, her daughter, my dear cousin Janet, Aunt Joanie Coover, and last of all, Brother Regher passed from this life to the next. The hardest of these losses was Janet. She was taken so young and so quickly - just days following her mother's death. Janet's cancer was detected the week of Aunt Norma's funeral. The other dear souls had lived long and well. It seemed a tender thing for them to move from this life to the next. Somehow with Janet it is different. There was no time to prepare or get that last hug. Still I know that we are in the hands of a loving God. I pray for her children. I trust.

Adding to the difficulty of these months has been my own physical struggle. We finally have some answers . . .

It all began with the opportunity to drive to Arizona for a 12th birthday celebration for our grandson Noah and his ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood. It is great to live in a day and time of travel possibilities that allow such precious sharing of the most important times in our family - even if it is in Arizona in July! Whew!!

Noah was his normal Noah-self and an absolute delight to be with. The time with his five brothers and sisters, his mom and dad and the Anderson crew was simply wonderful! The picture was taken on our way to a grandparents, mom and dad and Noah tasty fish dinner at Kings Seafood Restaurant. Don't you love the hair-in-the air look? Do you think it is a genetic youthful predisposition Carey?

At any rate on the morning of July 16th after a peaceful night's rest, I awoke with swelling in my legs and feet. Things began to progress throughout the day with an evening visit to an Urgent Care facility, followed by an emergency room visit and numerous lab tests that comprised most of the night. Nothing particular was found except for a possible high read on proteins in the urine. It was nothing significant though and the doctor thought it was probably nothing. He sent me home with diuretics and the council to follow up with my family doctor in Idaho Falls.

We headed back for Idaho taking the route through western Arizona so we could stop and see my brother David who lives in Lake Havasu. We arrived in Lake Havasu in time to share lunch and some laughter with David, Sharon and Sharon's mother before we continued on our way home. After an uncomfortable night in Cedar City, we hit the road hoping to arrive in time to see our family doctor for a 4:00 p.m. visit. We just made it. Dr. Bennett assured me that he thought I had just had a bit too much salt. He told me to cut back on salt intake and continue with diuretics. I really did not think salt was the problem but I guess that for some people it is and this was the logical starting point.

A week later, things had progressed and I was definitely not getting better. It is important to note that other than the fatigue which I have been battling for a couple of years, consistent weight gain, and the swelling of my legs and feet, I felt just fine. Actually the exhaustion factor was increasing and I found myself often berating myself for being lazy and unable to get much accomplished. Those of you who know me know that I am a goer and a doer. I have always had high energy and a love for having things in order. I love to be with people and in general just living life fully and richly. I felt I was slowly being swallowed up in weakness.

I called the doctor's office to find he was gone for the week. I made an appointment to see his associate. (As a side note, Claigh and I have consistently prayed for divine guidance for ourselves as well as the doctors who were treating me. This prayer has been repeatedly answered.) At the end of my appointment, I mentioned the low level of protein in my urine that had been noted in my hospital visit in Arizona. The doctor almost as an afterthought determined it might be wise to do a 24 hour urine collection to see if there was anything there. This was the beginning of an at times overwhelming process. It was found that my kidneys were not processing proteins normally and indeed the levels of protein in my urine were over 8000. That is very bad!

My family doctor returned, made an emergency appointment for me at the kidney institute. That first visit was a bit unreal. The possibilities seemed far beyond what I could believe. I asked why I wasn't feeling sick. The doctor told me that kidney disease is called the silent killer for a reason. It kind of sneaks up on you. He also said I was very fortunate because most people do not catch these problems so early on in the process. Following more extensive blood work that gave no clear indication of what the problem was, I was scheduled for a kidney biopsy.

My biopsy was done October 1st, the tissue sent to a lab in Arkansas, and the report to the doctor by the 5th. What an amazing time we live in! Dr. Haderlie called to start me on another medication and give me the direction for more blood work to be done a week later, just prior to my next appointment with him. In the meantime, I had begun to deteriorate even more with bouts of extreme muscle weakness and overwhelming fatigue. I was losing hair by the handfuls.

My decreasing health made me more and more unreliable. A week ago, I had to come to terms with the fact that I could not continue to let others down with my last minute "pull-outs." This was a real low for me. I had to give up my work as election day registrar and even more painful, I had to take a leave of absence from my Wednesday morning shift at the temple. We had bought Claigh's ticket to Virginia in December for Alyssa's wedding reception in the hopes that I would improve and be able to attend. It became apparent that I couldn't plan on it. (I am so grateful for the many kind and generous women who are helping her and for Steven's family. I am also grateful they will be married in the Draper Temple just 3 1/2 hours away. I am thankful for the family celebration following the wedding. When this was all planned, we knew nothing of what was happening within my body - just another tender mercy from the Lord.)

Sunday, October 17th, our home-teachers (elders from our church) came to give both Claigh and I blessings. These two men are dear friends. God's love is reflected in the goodness of his faithful.

On Monday, October 18th Claigh and I headed for my appointment with Dr. Haderlie. I was confident things would be quickly and easily resolved - perhaps a diet change, some medication and a little time and all would be well. Claigh quietly had a different view. We planned to make the rush-hour movie following the appointment as a beginning of next day birthday fun. We never made it to the movie.

In brief:

I have Membranous Glomerulonephritis and Nephratic Syndrome.

Some proteins are provided to the body through the food we eat. Some are created in the liver. In my case, nothing is working right in either regard. My liver is aware and over working trying to compensate and is now added to the list of things to monitor. My kidneys are currently operating at 100% capacity but instead of appropriately sending proteins into my blood, the proteins are slipping through and being dumped. "Protein excretion into the urine (proteinuria) is accompanied by low levels of important proteins, such as albumin, in the blood, increased levels of fats (lipids) in the blood, a tendency for increased blood clotting, and a greater susceptibility to infection. The decreased level of albumin in the blood leads to edema and to the retention of excess sodium." I have been feeling "wasted" due to the lack of protein in the blood and the high levels of acid in the blood.

With one week on the medication, my protein levels did not go down but increased to 13000. Dr. Haderlie says this puts me into the "High Risk Group." He said that many doctors would immediately start me on high dose chemo-therapy but he felt we have a little time to see if we can get things under control. (This is because other "markers" are still in good ranges.) The end of this effort will be in March. If we are not able to rein things in, I will then begin Chemo-therapy.

Due to the overwork of my liver and other related factors, My Cholesterol is at 407 mg/dl with LDL at 272.4. (HDL is 99.) The doctor says this also puts me at high risk for stroke or heart-attack.

My immune system is compromised. Dr. Haderlie said I need to be wise and stay away from crowed theaters on a Friday night, sick children etc. I will get my flu shot this week for the first time ever. - The fun never ceases!

It is not known if this is a primary disease or secondary. Dr. Haderlie said I need to work with my family doctor to immediately do my cancer screenings regardless of the last time I had them done. Undetected cancer is the likely culprit in most cases. Diabetes can also bring this about but all tests seem to indicate that I do not have diabetes. The other possibility as stated earlier is that this is a primary disease. If so, there is a 5%-30% chance that within five years it will just resolve itself, leaving my kidneys in good shape. I VOTE FOR THAT! I did have to wonder at the 5-30 range. - What on earth does that mean?

I also currently have a danger of developing blood clots with the greatest concern being a clot to the kidney which would immediately kill the kidney or to the lungs. As a matter of fact, I had to leave the Doctor's office at 5:30 p.m. and head for the hospital to have ultra-sounds of both legs due to the uneven swelling. My technician was one of the rugby players from the Highland High Team featured in the film "Forever Strong." How about that! The interesting conversation made up for the 2 1/2 hour wait, the loss of a movie night, and the overwhelming diagnosis. (Not really but it did help ease things a bit.) Claigh and I got home around 9:00 p.m., I took my meds adding the two new prescriptions and I fell exhausted into bed.

Claigh had a full work schedule in Driggs (2 hours away) the next day which was to be my 58th birthday. Trips to Driggs are long days for him which is tough when he isn't well rested, and I wasn't looking forward to being alone. I felt sucker-punched with the reality of the challenge ahead finally sinking in a bit. I slept on the couch downstairs as I have to get up throughout the night and I worry about interrupting Claigh's sleep. About midnight I heard Claigh walking around upstairs and worried that he was still up.

The next morning at 6:30 a.m., I heard Claigh come down the stairs and sit in the big chair beside the couch. I turned to say good morning and low and behold, he had grown beautiful blond hair! I was shocked to see Carey sitting there grinning ear to ear. Claigh has pulled of some big time surprises in my life but this had to be one of the best ever! After our morning prayer, Claigh left for Driggs and Carey prepared me a delicious Frittata. She actually created the frittata with 5 eggs laid by her family chickens the morning before. Yummmmm!! (Did any of you ever see Carey as the mom of six with a dog and chickens? Very fun. . .)

My dear friend Jean knocked at the door at 8:30 a.m. with a hug and some tasty dinner for later. At around 10:00, Ashlee drove up minus kids to spend the day! Surprise number two and absolutely fantastic. Two dear friends from church showed up at 11:00 - hugs and laughter.

Carey, Ashlee and I enjoyed lunch at Carinos Italian Restaurant - more laughs and memories. We ran a few errands and headed back home so I could rest for a couple of hours and Carey and Ashlee could run an errand for Cameron.

Alyssa and Steven had their engagement pictures taken last weekend and sent them via email. Of course, the three of us enjoyed some time going through them. Ashlee kept us laughing with her "great" ideas for the wedding reception. We will have a fun family time as we gather to celebrate. It is so good to see young love ready to commit to God and one faithful other. Steven makes son-in-law #5 and we are thrilled!

Early in the afternoon, in Arizona, Sara had her ultra-sound and found that after three delightful sons, she and Jared will be blessed with a little girl. That makes grandchild #20!! The day just kept getting better.

We ate a tasty supper of Carinos' left-overs followed by the white chocolate cheesecake I had made - more laughter and good conversation. Carey presented me with a fun charm necklace to match one for her and one for Jensen. Ashlee and I have been canning buddies this summer. She surprised me with a canning book we had both been admiring. My friend Bonnie stopped by to say Happy Birthday, Claigh made it home (with the new Condalisa Rice auto-biography I have been wanting to read.) around 9:00 p.m., Ashlee headed for her home, and Claigh, Carey and I settled down to watch the movie Cameron gave me for my birthday (Temple Grandin) I fell asleep after the first few minutes but finished it this morning after I saw Claigh off on his way to the temple and Carey on her way to SLC airport.

The story of Temple is very inspirational. Thank-you Cameron. It was just what I needed. The most touching part of the story to me is when Temple seems to accept her reality as her mother reassures her. I felt something very personal in that moment.

Many of you posted birthday wishes for me online. This added to the blessing of strength, peace and the love of God I felt through what could have been a very rough day. I am deeply and profoundly grateful. A special thanks to Claigh, Todd and Steve for their thoughtful efforts in giving me a day with two of my five beautiful daughters. And as for Jean & Gary, Bonnie, Sylvia, Erica, Hilarie, Pam & Steve, Sunny, Deanna, Paula, Adeana, Bob & Jackie, Amy and Nicole - Good friends are truly one of the best blessings of life. Also, thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and added your faith to ours.

A final note: Yesterday was not only great for having my girls here but also for the fact that already with the new medications, I have increased stamina. This continues today or I would never have completed this post.

Forward and Onward!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stewart and Stalcup fun In Idaho

The past weeks have been filled with fun and good times! The last of June, Alyssa flew in for a three week visit from Virginia followed closely by Cam and Collins and family arriving from Washington, followed by Ashlee and kids sharing a few days with us all. Alyssa flew home, Cam and Collins left for a Stewart reunion in Utah, and Ashlee and crew made their way back south, Claigh and I changed all the bedding, hopped in the car and headed for Soda Springs to spend July 4th weekend with Ash and Steve.

Some of the fun:
* wedding dress shopping and plans sorted through for December
* corn on the cob and fudge at Farmers Market
* nieces and nephews met their new soon to be Uncle Steven with a "V" for the first time. (They love him and we concur!)
* Rexburg temple trip for Cam, Collins, Alyssa and Steven followed by barbecue at Famous Daves (They loved it!)
* early morning disk golf
* first two strawberries of the season picked from grandma's patch.
* splash Park fun in Rexburg (Gideon and Spencer were wild men! - Very fun!!)
* fireworks culminating in "Pink Diamonds" for Felicity (quote "I loooovvve pink!")
* Egin Lake - catching tadpoles - eating hotdogs - loading up on sand etc.
* hide & seek
* Ashlee's first trip to Sarah's Cottage - truffle yumminess!
* smoosh ball tag
* strawberry rhubarb pie - Yummmmmm!
* Lego creation
* "The Last Airbender" in 3D (AWESOME!)
* building a float and creating costumes with Ashlee.
* July 3rd fireworks, and July 5th Parade and a little blue grass music thrown in for good measure (Soda Springs takes America's birthday seriously - Very fun!)
* home for a brief collapse "Toy Story 3" - back to work for Claigh - back to the temple for Wendy. Whew!!!
* AND the grand finale - sharing in the first temple experience for our dear friends Chris and Pilar Saslow - Their family became forever! How we love the blessings of the temple! Thank-you Heavenly Father.

We were so busy having fun we didn't get many pictures. I promise to do better next time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aly with a ring on her finger!

Happy 25th Alyssa! The girl celebrated a quarter of a century in grand fashion. Our youngest - 25 years old! Where have the years gone?

As is our family custom, Claigh, Alyssa, Steven and I had a fun birthday luncheon with Alyssa's favorites: steak, pasta salad with roasted vegetables, tossed salad, and chocolate angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate whipped cream. With no Ukrops in Idaho, I had to experiment with high altitude adjustments to make the cake. The first one turned out perfectly, the second one totally flopped and the third one was Okay. Whew - What we do for love! 25 years is something to celebrate!!

However, Alyssa's day began in the shadow of the temple on the banks of the Idaho Falls. Steven had planned a sunrise picnic for the two of them. In their honor the sun shone and the wind blew. The thermometer was reaching a mighty forty degrees. Such is Idaho at 6:30 a.m. in June. They enjoyed their tasty breakfast muffins and much to Alyssa's surprise, the presentation of a beautiful ring.

Steven Sevy is from Newport News, Virginia and is the youngest of five. 3 nieces and 2 nephews call him "Uncle." He will be taking a big leap to 8 nieces and 16 nephews with this brilliant decision to join the Jensen clan. How fun it will be to have the kids get to know him. We are just excited to meet his parents and family. Such a wonderful son and brother represents them well.

Steven and Alyssa plan on getting married mid-December following Alyssa's final finals at CNU. Their first home will be here in Idaho (where else?) as Steven will have two more semesters at BYUI to graduate in August 2011. After that - the world is their canvas!

As noted, Aly is approaching her last semester at CNU. This summer she is doing an internship at a law office in Richmond, Virginia, working at The Cheese Shop in Williamsburg, and serving as a counselor at EFY at SVU in Buena Vista, Virginia. We feel fortunate to have her home for a three week visit in the midst of all her goings on. We are sure that Steven being here in Idaho had a little something to do with her generosity in coming home.

We couldn't be happier!

June 17th ended with Spencer Baseball and a repeat birthday cake performance in Soda Springs with Steve, Ash and Family. Even our picky eater Gregory enjoyed the cake and strawberries.

Our day ended with a drive back to Idaho Falls with Bryn and Kes in tow. Aly stayed the night with Ashlee for some sister time. Fun Fun Times!