Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Fun for Grandpa and Grandma

Look who came to our house for Halloween Fun 2009. - Ninja, Frogger, Mario, Princess, and believe it or not Harry Potter. Oops - I forgot the Grandpa.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Birthdays are more fun with kids!

Claigh has always made my birthday special but this year was even better with Ashlee and the kids adding to the excitement. In August, Steve and Ashlee made their way west with us as a stay-over station until they were able to get a home of their own. We had a good couple of months with a house full of love. What a delightful family! For my special day, Ashlee prepared a tasty supper followed by a raspberry filled cake and thoughtful gifts! The kids really showed how well they know me.

Everyone knows how I love books. Will found the perfect ones to add to my children's shelf.

Kes chose this beautiful angel with a dove for me. I love doves and all they stand for.

Not only did I get roses from Spencer but he parted with four shiny quarters! Now that's a gift from the heart.

Bryn knew the fun we would have with a new "I Spy" Puzzle and she was right on.

Claigh had our family picture from this summer enlarged. We are all grown up! Ashlee did the leg work for him and while she was at it, she had two of our couple shots and one of our grandkids photos made into five by sevens for my gift from her. I love it!!!! Unfortunately Steve was in Kansas City on a business trip but I ate an extra slice of cake in his honor. Thank-you dear family!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yellowstone Adventure

Idaho has a way of snapping out of summer in a hurry. I think we had less than ten tomatoes off the vine before the freezes began. The maturing vines were finally loaded with green tomatoes and so Claigh rigged a light and night cover system in hopes we could have one good harvest of slowly ripening fruit. The weather has warmed and we just may get to have one good picking if it all keeps up. It is a Indian Summer, my favorite season of all.

I love to experience all the goodness around me. With life so busy since we moved here over a year ago we haven't had time for some of the things I have really wanted to do - like go to Yellowstone just two hours away.

Last Saturday we had the perfect "park" day. With yard work to be done, a few preparation needs for the lesson I was to teach the following day and the commitment to take a cake to the High Priest Social that night, things were in place for another of those "get it all done days." Rising early I took care of the lesson needs and was able to arrange for a friend to take the cake. We turned away from the yard work and by nine a.m. we were on our way for a much needed break.

It was an absolutely glorious day!!!! We saw very little of what there is to see and are excited to return again and again. We did make it to Old Faithful just in time to see it erupt into the clear blue sky. The steam and water were startling white. Magnificent! In the picture, Claigh is standing in front of Old Faithful when it has almost receded completely back into it's crater.

The five and a quarter mile hike to Fairy Falls was perfect for the fifty degree weather. My feet are not as young as they used to be and by the time we made it back to the car, they were hurting. New shoes with better cushion are definitely in order, however the hike was worth the discomfort. The the air was crisp and clean. Along side the trail there was a very small basin (perhaps three and a half feet in diameter) filled with steaming water that appeared to be a deep turquoise color due to the depth. There is really no describing the beauty of it. Fairy Falls is a lovely small waterfall with no geothermal feature similar to many waterfalls throughout the mountains. There is something about the sound of water rippling in a river or as it cascades over the rough rock of a mountain wall that sings peace to my soul.

Claigh and I enjoyed walking the boardwalks through a couple of the Basins that are between the west entrance and Old Faithful. The Prismatic Geyser and Sapphire Pool in the Midway Basin and Sunset Lake in the Black Sands Basin were incredible. The turquoise and blue appearance of the water was hard to believe. Throughout the land water boils in small mud pots and streams of hot mineral water runs over colorful ledges into the river. There are forests of microscopic organisms forming colorful crusty patches throughout the landscape. Steam rises into the sky all around you. We are excited to go again and again in hopes of seeing it all.

Thank-you Claigh for a wonderful time. There isn't anything better than a beautiful day outdoors with the man I love best. I am grateful for health and strength to enjoy the wonder of God's creation - to see and hear, to feel and know. Life is good.