Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bradley heads for the MTC

My brother Dale, his wife Kellie and their children Bradley (19), Sarah (20), Amber (4) and Jacob (4) stopped by last night for a couple of hours. They were on their way to Provo, Utah to take Bradley to the Missionary Training Center. He will be serving a mission to Boise, Idaho. Amber and Jacob thoroughly enjoyed playing with Jonah, Gideon and Isaac although Isaac's enthusiasm was at times a bit overwhelming for them. I imagine they now believe these "neat cousins" live at our house and the next time they come for a visit they will be very disappointed to find that it is actually just Uncle Claigh and Aunt Wendy who live here. I had been very careful to charge up the camera all day so we could get a picture but alas - we were having too much fun and they were gone before I realized we had lost the opportunity. It is wonderful to have family visit!

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